St. Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mary is the mother of us all. She has appeared to people of all social classes, ages and languages. Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin have been seen across the world, from France to the Americas.

In 1531, Mary appeared in Mexico to a poor farmer named Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin. A convert to the Catholic faith, he was a pious man with great love for Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

He never dreamed that the Queen of Heaven would deign to speak to him–but she did, and she had an important mission, one for which she had set him apart.

The Farmer Becomes A Knight

Juan Diego had found favor with Our Lady. She saw in him enough faith to carry out this mission. He would be her knight, delivering a special message to the Bishop of the colony.

Juan Diego was a humble man who walked fourteen miles to Mass with his wife every Sunday. He made the trek without complaint; he wanted to receive Jesus, and every bit of effort was worth the sweet gift of Holy Communion.

On December 9, 1531, Juan Diego’s wife was ill. Leaving her to rest at home, he started his usual walk to Mass alone, not expecting that anything different would happen that day. He trudged up Tepeyac Hill as usual, deep in contemplation.

As he climbed Tepeyac Hill alone, something astonishing happened. He found a beautiful lady waiting for him on the road. She was dressed as an Aztec; rays of light surrounded her, as if behind her shone the sun. She wore a cloak with the stars of the sky, as if wrapped in a comforting summer night.

The Queen of Heaven

The beautiful lady on Tepeyac Hill revealed herself to be the Blessed Virgin Mary. She told the awestruck Juan Diego that she had a special mission for him.

Our Lady desired for a shrine to be built on that spot at Tepeyac Hill. She told Juan Diego that she had chosen him to deliver this request to the Bishop of the colony. Juan Diego, however, shivered at the thought of giving such orders to the Bishop, humble man as he was. 

He told her he did not believe himself worthy to deliver this message. Sensing his fear, Mary assured him that she would be by his side. He would not face the Bishop alone and, as long as he trusted in her motherly care, he would champion her cause.

Juan Diego could not say no to the Queen of Heaven, so he went to meet with the Bishop. However, when he told the Bishop about the apparition, he was doubted. It was just as he had feared, and he would have fallen into despair if Mary had not already given her word that she would help him.

Promising the Bishop that he would return with proof, Juan Diego left. He was determined not to disappoint the Blessed Mother.

Where Roses Grow In Winter

Three days after Mary’s first apparition, Juan Diego’s uncle fell ill. Fearing that his uncle might die, Juan Diego hurried up Tepeyac Hill to the church. He was searching for a priest to deliver the Last Rites.

As he ran, he found the Blessed Virgin waiting for him on the same spot where he’d seen her the previous time. She knew that his uncle was ill. She promised Juan Diego that the old man would be healed. She then gave him instructions to gather some roses blooming at the top of the hill.

A rosebush in bloom…in the middle of winter? Juan Diego followed her directions with some doubt. It was not the season for roses to be in bloom. However, when he made it to the top of the hill, he was surprised to find a rosebush in full bloom.

He gathered the roses into his cloak and returned to Our Lady, presenting them to her. She instructed Juan Diego not to show them to anyone until he had reached the Bishop. He did as he was told, presenting himself before the Bishop once more.

A Miracle Of Roses

The Bishop was reluctant to hear Juan Diego again, skeptical of the farmer’s story about an apparition on Tepeyac Hill. He did not know that Juan Diego had brought proof this time.

Juan Diego released his cloak and allowed the roses to fall to the ground. Immediately the Bishop fell to his knees. Our Lady had helped him, as promised, for the proof was undeniable.

The Bishop scarcely looked at the roses. He was shocked to the core by an image of the Blessed Virgin which had appeared on Juan Diego’s cloak. She was dressed in the stars and surrounded by rays of the sun, as she’d been described.

A farmer with so little education could not have produced such a detailed image in three days. This was a miracle from the Queen of Heaven. Mary’s humble knight, Juan Diego, had done the favor she’d asked of him–and she, devoted mother, had helped.

A shrine was built on Tepeyac Hill. The miraculous cloak is venerated in the Mexico City Basilica. Countless miracles are attributed to Our Lady of Guadalupe to this day.


Mary is our mother, and she helps all of her children. She reassures and prays for us, no matter what continent we’re in. Like all mothers, she has a solution to every problem, and her solution is always her Son, Jesus Christ.

St. Juan Diego was beatified by St. John Paul II in 1990. He was canonized by the same great Pope in the year 2002. His feast day is December 9.